Enrolment Policy


RATIONALE Waipa Christian School Trust Ltd, as the Proprietor, is required to manage its student population so as to maintain its Special Character as defined under its Deed of Integration. A key part of this is the process of admission to the school.

Enrolment Policy is necessary to: 1. Maintain the distinctive Special Character of the school.  2. Maintain rolls at a desirable level.  3. Specify the order of consideration for places at Waipa Christian School.

POLICY STATEMENT All students wishing to gain admission to Waipa Christian School must meet the stipulations of the Enrolment Policy.

BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES Waipa Christian School was established in order to provide an education with a Special Character, steeped in the Christian faith. It is important to honour the intentions of the founders and so ensure that the spirit in which the school was established is maintained.

GUIDELINES All enrolment applications shall be classified as Preferential or Non-Preferential.

Conditions of Enrolment:

A. Preferential Enrolment - a preference of enrolment at Waipa Christian School is provided for under Section 29(1) of the Private Schools Conditional Integration Act 1975, and the Deed of Integration paragraph 22. Preferential enrolment shall be given to:

  1. Those pupils with parents or guardians who have established a particular connection with the School through membership of, or affiliation with, a Christian Church, are required to submit a letter from their pastor or minister in confirmation of their church membership or regular attendance at such church and sign the statement of belief.
  2. Those pupils with parents or guardians who have established a general connection with the Special Character of the School by signing the statement of belief and further establish to the satisfaction of the Board and the Proprietor, that their children will be raised with the beliefs and values that are aligned with the Special Character of the school.

B. Non-Preferential enrolment - In accordance with Section 7(6)(h) of the Private Schools Conditional Integration Act 1975, and the Deed of Integration paragraph 22. Non-Preferential enrolment shall be given to:

  1. Those pupils with parents or guardians who are not “members” or “associates” of a local Christian church or have any Christian convictions or beliefs and not able to sign the statement of beliefs.
  2. Subject to places being available, the number of pupils whose parents do not have preference of enrolment at the school shall be limited to 10% of the current roll of the school.
  3. At least one parent or guardian of the pupil must “support” the Special Character of the school, sign the agreement and uphold and actively support its intention and integrity.

In determining the basis of this limitation, regard shall be given to the necessity of preserving and safeguarding the Special Character of the School, which shall be determined to the satisfaction of the Board and the Proprietor.

DELEGATION The Board and the Proprietor delegate the role of assessing applicants to the Principal of Waipa Christian School. The Board and the Proprietor may rule on individual cases.

C. Priority of Enrolment - Should the school have a waiting list due to a full roll, students will be received according to the following priority criteria:

  1. Children from families who have a “preferential enrolment” and with other children already enrolled.
  2. Children from families who have “preferential enrolment".
  3. Children from families with “non-preferential enrolment” and with other children already enrolled.
  4. Children from families with “non-preferential enrolment".
  5. By date of application.

D. Enrolment Guidelines -

  1. The acceptance of applications for pre-enrolment will be limited to within one year of the child starting school. However, parents are encouraged to indicate future possible enrolments at the school as soon as possible, for inclusion in planning for school roll predictions and building requirements.
  2. During the third term of the school year, the Board of Trustees will assess the number of students that could be accepted for the following year, taking into account current teaching staff and facilities.
  3. Non-preferential students with well-known behavioural problems, or who for other reasons, might hinder the educational development of the school should not be over-represented. Such students may only be admitted for an initial definite trial period, followed by a re-appraisal of the situation.
  4. Students whose conduct is in persistent conflict with the character of the school may be subject to suspension or exclusion. Such action will always be the decision of the Board of Trustees and will follow Ministry of Education procedure.

PARTICIPATION IN GENERAL SCHOOL PROGRAMME By enrolling a student at Waipa Christian School all parents shall accept as a condition of enrolment that the student is to participate in the general school programme that gives the school its Special Character. (Section 30 of the Private Schools Conditional Integration Act 1975).

In the case of applicants with special needs, the Principal must take into consideration the nature of the special need and the school’s ability to provide the required environment and resources.

The Principal shall maintain a wait list of applicants in the event that there are more prospective students than places available.

The Principal, in his monthly report, shall provide the Board of Trustees with a list of all the students being offered places, categorised by Preferential and Non-Preferential

The Principal may at any time, re-categorise student’s enrolment status based upon the application of the current Enrolment Policy of the Board, as approved by the Proprietor, and will advise the parents/caregivers accordingly in writing.

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