Jaco Labuschagne

Jaco Labuschagne


Kia Ora,

It is my privilege to serve at this very special school. This is God's school! I believe each one of us (staff) was called to Waipa Christian School for a very good reason. Our lives, experiences and encounters with Jesus Christ have shaped us for a time like this.

In December 2008, my career in Public Relations came to a sad end, which was very hard for me at the time. On the way back from work on the last day of my employment, I prayed to God and had to confess that for 31 years of my life, it was all about me, my aspirations, my career and my achievements. In the same prayer I said to God...I give up, from here on you call the shots, everything I am, have, dream about, and strive for is in Your hands.

He had a surprise in store for me...Primary school teaching - a career I would never have picked myself...however, God had other plans...

In February 2009, I started the Graduate Diploma in Primary Teaching. I taught my first class at Matua School in Tauranga for the 2010 school year. After that, I taught at Kio Kio School (near Otorohanga) as well as St. Peter's Catholic School in Cambridge for five and a half years before being appointed as teaching principal of Waipa Christian School in July 2017.

No coincidences here

Each teacher employed by the Ministry of Education gets a dedicated personnel number. My number starts with 266. Waipa Christian School's identification number is...266. This is confirmation for me that God knew seven and a half years in advance, that he wanted me at Waipa Christian School. Everything that happened in my life and career had to lead me to 93 Chapel Drive, Te Awamutu - the place where I get to serve in His Kingdom every day - an absolute pleasure. I intend to serve in this place until (only) He calls me somewhere else.

I believe God has called me into Primary Education for the purpose of transforming lives. We live in a broken world, but the knowledge of Jesus' love for us gives us the Hope that no other can offer. Giving children an education is great, what is even greater is sharing the gospel with them and their whanau! The Good message of Jesus Christ has the power to transform, to set free, and bring hope.

My prayer is that your child will grow in every aspect of life (academic, social, spiritual, physical). I also pray that your involvement at our school will be life-changing.

Haere mai! (welcome)


Jaco Labuschagne

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Gibson Electrical Limited Empire Concrete Pumping Ltd Pita Pit Te Awamutu Waipa Glass Power Chill NZ Ltd Humpbridge Milk Kirstie McGrail - Ray White Sinclair Solutions Panui Te Me Tuhi
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